Chapter Meeting Minutes
May 15, 2024
Tiny Turtle
6:30 Call to order – Nina Hunt, Vice Chair Welcome!
Thank you everyone for coming out for the beach clean up before the meeting tonight! Tonight our Chapter is providing free appetizers!EC/Program/Campaign Reports
- Chair Report: Kris absent, Nina presenting
- Grants:
- We have been awarded the One Lagoon small grant for Ballard Park! However, still no City of Melbourne letter of support! This is a huge recognition; this is a NEP funding and wonderful that they recognize our efforts for our environment! We haven’t heard from Native Plant Society yet, or Florida Wildflower.
- We also received the Endless Summer License plate grant
- ORCA (Ocean Research & Conservation Association) in Vero Beach had an Art & Science competition for students and adults.
- Our chair, Kris Baker, entered the competition and received first place for the adult category!
- She even prepared a required science lab report to go with the art
- Can read more in-detail about the event on the website and see the beautiful art she created!
- Mary & Brenda are our school liaisons.
- We met with Verdi Eco School and did BWTF testing with the school. We funded 6 additional sites for the students to collect water at Ballard and run the testing. The students were wonderful and learned so much about water testing and doing citizen science with us. Thanks Mary & Brenda for helping me.
- Kris spoke at Aquarina Earth Day celebration about Surfrider & BWTF. It was a great connection. They are interested in making their restaurant OFR
- Update Melbourne Beach passed no smoking parks/beaches: Commissioners are meeting tonight to review first draft. Tobacco Free Brevard will be there.
- Tiny Turtle has won the Cocoa Beach Sustainability award for 2024! Congratulations! (We nominated them!)
- If you can come out to Cocoa Beach commissioners meeting tomorrow night to show support for Tiny Turtle award & community we want no plastic, please attend. It’s at 7:00 Cocoa Beach Country Club, 5000 Tom Warriner Blvd,
Cocoa Beach
- If you can come out to Cocoa Beach commissioners meeting tomorrow night to show support for Tiny Turtle award & community we want no plastic, please attend. It’s at 7:00 Cocoa Beach Country Club, 5000 Tom Warriner Blvd,
- Also, Tiny Turtle rounded up from their patrons wanting to, for the month of April, and donated to our chapter $465.32! Thank you!
- Kelly from Tiny Turtle awarded chapter with check
- Lee Gottlieb, Founder Adopt a Dune reached out to me to partner with dune restoration-planting natives. He currently does these south counties and is working his way north. He would provide the funding for the plants, and we would promote with volunteers to plant. I reviewed with Evan, and he thinks it’s a good idea.
- Overall chapter members in support with the information provided at this point
- Grants:
- Vice Chair Report: Nina
- Secretary Report: Kelly
- Treasurer Report: Chris absent. Nina to report
- Blue Water Task Force BWTF: Kris absent
- Volunteer Coordinator: Thank you, Deb Richardson, for volunteering!
- Social Media Chair – Kelly
- Ocean Friendly Gardens– Bill
- Ocean Friendly Restaurants – Joanie
- Beach Bucket Foundation - no report
Past Events Recap
- April 26 Earth Day Planting our First Bioswale Indialantic! Looks fabulous! Thanks to all the volunteers that came out! Thank you, Bill, for your wonderful vision and knowledge to help our Lagoon
Upcoming Events
- May 18 Beach Clean up at Blockhouse Beach, PSFB, 8:30-10:30
- Board Meeting May 19
- June 15 Long Doggers, Satellite Beach location, International Surfing Day, Virtual surfing contest, table event for us.
- June 19 General Meeting @ Intracoastal Brewery
- presentation: Kelli Z. Hunsucker, Ph.D. Living Docks/Oyster Restoration efforts in the IRL
Updated/New Business
General Meeting Adjourn