What emotions did you experience from the "Waves of Emotion" film?

The Surfside Playhouse was packed waiting to see Dr. Diane Wehrell-Grabowski's film, "Waves of Emotion". While listening to some surf tunes from the band, Aquanuts, many enjoyed the snack bar. There was much discussion about the film, and especially among the surfers who personally related to the film.

Our chapter Chair, Kris Baker takes the stage to introduce the film and speaks about Surfrider's mission. Not only is Kris our chair, she also heads the chapter's Blue Water Task Force (BWTF), testing water quality in our ocean, lagoon and other waterways.

John Hearin, past Surfrider Cocoa Beach's Chapter Chair, played an important role in getting this film shown at the playhouse. John introduces the winner of the Allen White custom longboard.

Keep a look out for future films on our website and social media. See you next time!