Chapter Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2023
The Tiny Turtle Restaurant
6:30 Call to order – Kris Baker gave an overall of the main points from the Florida Conference Presentation earlier this month.
Past Events Recap
10/28 A1A Adopt Hwy Event: cleanup started at 9:30 with 13 volunteers. Approximately 140 pounds of debris was collected, recorded, and bagged for pickup. After the cleanup, volunteers enjoyed some refreshments while Billy Chapman played solo at the Sebastian Inlet Surf & Sport shop.
11/12 OFG-Green Gables Weeding with Bill DeLuccia and another volunteer really worked hard on getting weeds out of our native beds.
EC/Program/Campaign Reports
- Chair Report: Kris
-Nominations for Board positions: Secretary, Vice Chair, member at large
Kelly Etherton was nominated for Secretary, Nina Hunt was nominated for Vice Chair, and Scott Maki was nominated for Member at large. Elections will be January meeting.
-Mara Dias, BWTF from Surfrider Corporate met with Kris to see the various testing locations of our chapter and MRC. Thank you from Mara -Thank you both for taking the time to show me around your chapters project sites, I enjoyed getting to see that windy, choppy lagoon and all the creeks that feed into it. I think I mentioned this before that we have received funding again from the donor who likes to support our CW programs there on Long Island and FL. So, for you this means $2500 towards BWTF supplies (this could cover a 200 combo-pack of enterolert/trays) and $2k to apply towards your OFG program. I’d love to see u apply this OFG $ towards paying someone to run the Nitrogen & Phosphorous reduction model for the bioswale project in Indialantic if u end up needing it to get that project funded. If not, then u can spend those monies towards any OFG project that u need, maybe buying plant material to fill in or revitalize an existing garden, put it towards a new one, or even on OFG ed/outreach needs (signs or whatever), please just keep me in the loop. I look forward to working with you both this coming year to make your programs as impactful as we can. Mara
- DEP Grant has been submitted. Haven’t heard anything yet.
-Program by Brevard County Natural Resources Management and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Algae - harvesting barge launched in Melbourne, Florida. I have reached out to them to come to one of our meetings and speak to our chapter.
-Reached out to Villon to collaborate again. They are working on additional new location in downtown Melbourne! He was happy to know we would like to work with them again.
-Reached out to KBB events person to collaborate with them. Thank you, Bob Day, for sending me the dates for next year.
-Reached out to Wells Fargo to sponsor beach cleanup
-We got in Cocoa Beach magazine! Highlighting surfrider & tiny turtle!
-Kelly group that sponsored clean up last year is doing it again this year!
-Cocoa Beach Explorer: Tiny Turtle highlighted as well as Surfrider!
-Tiny Turtle has written a children’s book! Turtle & Donkey! She mentioned Surfrider!
-Florida Regional call:
-OFHotels program is officially been launched.
-The 2024 Florida legislative session is around the corner, and so is Florida Healthy Beaches Day, Jan 22-23, 2024! Start making plans now to head up to Tallahassee with Surfrider Foundation's Florida network and our partners from across the state to advocate for clean water, preventing plastic pollution, and resilient coasts and communities.
-Postcard campaign we will be launching to support state level legislation to strengthen rules for mangrove replanting and restoration. Please hang on to your postcards until Emma has instructions ready - we are looking to target some very specific lawmakers and committee weeks have been slow going. We are looking to tentatively kick-off ahead of the December committee weeks
- Secretary Report: Fran absent. Thank you, Tim, for taking notes
- Treasurer Report: Chris absent. Kris reported
- Blue Water Task Force BWTF: We have been awarded a grant for supplies for HQ
- Volunteer Coordinator: Christine
- Social Media Chair – Kelly
- Ocean Friendly Gardens– Bill
- Ocean Friendly Restaurants – Joanie
- Beach Bucket Foundation
Upcoming Events
11/17 Tiny Turtle 10th anniversary weekend! Ribbon cutting/Friday Fest
11/18 Lagoon Day-tent event, Front Street 9-2:00 Need help with shifts and take down
12/2 Cocoa Beach Christmas Parade: Walk with surfrider! Have fun, dress up, carry banner for us!
Updated/New Business
- Board will be meeting on 18th 6:00 @ Intracoastal to plan 2024
- 12/16 Bonfire Volunteer appreciation party. Mark your calendars!
- Member spoke about Mullet Creek Island restoration project, from the 1/2cent tax funding. He explained briefly what the project is, and he will keep us informed on progress. He did state that the residents are all on updated septic currently.
General Meeting Adjourn