October 18, 2023
SRF Meeting Minutes
Location: Tiny Turtle Restaurant
6:30 Call to order – Kris Baker, Chair welcomed Heather Stapleton from One Lagoon.org.
Heather is the Community Engagement Coordinator of One Lagoon which is a special district of the state. Heather gave a wonderful presentation about what is being done to help the Lagoon. She went over why the Lagoon is a lagoon and the history of the Lagoon’s environmental state. She explained the stresses of the lagoon over the years leading to its current state. There is a recovery plan, Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan addresses 6 areas of the lagoon. She mentioned there were 194 projects for the lagoon to include restoration of seagrass and septic removal. What can we do? Heather emphasized reduce, reuse and recycle; keep grass out the street and ditches; pick up dog waste; replace plants with natives; and check and maintain your septic properly.
Past Events Recap
9/24 World River’s Day, kayaking on Crane Creek River cleanup. It was a fun day collecting 50+ pounds of trash along the creek, including a mattress.
10/5 A Day in Life of Indian River Lagoon, ORCA. Bob reported in Cocoa Beach many students participated in several science projects including mangrove testing. Kris mentioned there are other places to participate in Brevard County under the ORCA website. Kris volunteered with students from Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy at the Pineda boat ramp. This is one of the BWTF sites for testing water.
10/14 Witch Way Run. The run was at Nance park, Indialantic with over 300 runners. This race benefited the city as well as our chapter.
EC/Program/Campaign Reports
- Chair Report: Kris reported that a letter from our chapter via Surfrider’s legal department regarding our open comment about Space X construction was submitted expressing several concerns. Also, the DEP Grant was submitted. There is a pilot program by Brevard County Natural Resources Management and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Algae - harvesting barge launched in Melbourne, Florida. This pilot program is filtering green algae from the lagoon at several locations, starting at Eau Galle south of the causeway.
- Kris is to speak at Tiny Turtle restaurant during a power lunch on Thursday, October 26thCocoa Beach Chamber of Commerce. We will continue to contact municipalities regarding no butts on beach and parks. Kris asked for volunteers to help attend council meetings. There will be board elections in January 2024. Nominations must be submitted at November’s meeting. Secretary position will be open.
- We received a donation in remembrance of Kona (Kris’ pet who recently passed). Kris suggested if anyone knows of a donation in honor of a lost one or pet, please let Kris know so she can send a thank you note from our chapter.
-Florida Regional call: Kris stated the regional conference will be November 3 and 4 in Palm Beach. Kris, Chris, Christine and Dean will represent our chapter. The conference will be live streamed for the chapter to view. Also Ocean Friendly Hotels is a new program that will be officially launched. Tallahassee Hill Day will be in January 2024 in person and DC Hill Day will be in March, virtually.
- Secretary Report: Fran and Nina met to update the events page.
- Treasurer Report: Chris absent. Kris reported movie donation to chapter $218 and other small expenses.
- Blue Water Task Force BWTF: Kris reported Sebastian Inlet continues to be in the green, and therefore, another site will be tested. The Pineda Boat Ramp test area continues to be in the red.
- Volunteer Coordinator: Christine absent-no update
- Social Media Chair – Kelly no update
- Ocean Friendly Gardens– Bill reported Green Gables needed beds cleaned out. He will decide on a day for weeding.
- Ocean Friendly Restaurants – Joanie reported an article in November in the magazine Cocoa Beach Explorer highlighting Tiny Turtle restaurant as Ocean Friendly.
- Beach Bucket Foundation-no update
Upcoming Events
10/28 A1A Adopt Hwy Event: 9:30-11:00 cleanup, surf fun & games until 1:00 John’s Sebastian Inlet surf shop, Billy Chapman music, food, bring boards and chairs for beach games! Collaboration with Space Coast Board Riders
11/18 Tiny Turtle 10-year anniversary weekend celebration
11/15 Monthly meeting at Intracoastal-new location!
11/17 Tiny Turtle 10th anniversary weekend!
11/18 Lagoon Day-tent event, Front Street 9-2:00
Updated/New Business
- Board will be meeting to plan 2024 November 18 at 6:00 p.m. at Intracoastal Brewery.
- 12/16 Bonfire Volunteer appreciation party. Mark your calendars!
- 12/2 Surfrider in the Cocoa Beach parade—throwing peanuts and not candy.
General Meeting Adjourn 8:00 p.m.