September 20, 2023
SRF Meeting Minutes
Niki's Rainbow Restaurant
6:35 Call to order – Kris Baker, Chair introduced and welcomed Joel Cohen, Sea Turtle Preservation Society. Joel provided many interesting facts regarding the turtle nesting season within the state and Brevard County. His discussion mainly focused on the Green and Loggerhead turtles; however, he did mention some interesting facts about the Leatherbacks.
In 2022, statewide, there were approximately 37,000 Greens and 116,000 Loggerheads. In Brevard County, 27% of the state total of turtles reside in Brevard, and most are Loggerheads. This year, statewide there are 74,000 Greens (which continue to nest into November, so numbers could increase); and 143,000 Loggerheads (14% increase). When looking at 13 miles of beach, 38,000 plus turtle nests which estimates over 2,000 nests per mile of beach.
Joel stressed that as you go more north into Cocoa Beach, the nesting area is reduced due to the number of hotels, people, and lights. This causes disorientation for the turtles. Turtles are oriented with the natural light reflecting from the ocean (moon light, waves, shadows of the dunes). However, north of Port Canaveral, the area is denser with more nature and less people, the sea turtle nests were 16,600.
Joel emphasized that the temperature of the nests determines if the turtle will be female or male. Studies have shown that eggs buried in the cool section of the nests become males and eggs placed in the warmer part of the nests develop as females. Once the eggs hatch, there are many predators that eat the hatchlings—dogs off the leashes dig up the nest and birds, raccoons and ghost crabs eat the eggs.
The Leatherback turtles date back to prehistoric times. Their body shell is soft skin like a crustacean. They can dive very deep in the ocean. Their nests need shade, or the eggs cook.
Joel also discussed the benefits of beach sand renourishment for turtle nesting. He ended his talk with Manta Rays (previously known as Devil Rays) which are being studied using drones. Some of these rays are 25 feet wide. The size of the ray determines the age. With the increase of motorboats, rays and Right whales are being harmed or killed. The attendees appreciated his knowledge and discussion.
8/26 Special Olympics surfing event at Alan Shepard Park in Cocoa Beach. John Hearin and Chris Smith, SRF volunteers, coached the athletes during this event. Their experience and hard work was very appreciated.
8/31 Green Gables ribbon cutting occurred at 4:30 for our Ocean Friendly Gardens (OFG) showing off the display of native beds in the front of the historical home.
9/16 Waves of Emotion 2nd showing at the First United Methodist Church in Cocoa Beach. Dr. Diane’s movie was a success with 80 plus people attending. Dr. Diane mentioned she is working on a new film which will take about 2 years.
EC/Program/Campaign Reports
- Chair Report: Kris
- Fl Department Environmental Protection grant was submitted. Bill Deluccia (OFG Lead) researched and provided information for the submission.
- Power Lunch on Thursday, October 26th Cocoa Beach Chamber of Commerce, Tiny turtle Restaurant. Kris is speaking at their lunch on our chapter programs and activities. Approximately 50 to 60 people attend this luncheon.
-Florida Regional call:
-Surfrider's Florida state lobbying day in Tallahassee has been scheduled for January 22-23, 2024 for Florida Healthy Beaches Day. Kris asked for anyone interested in attending to save the date to advocate for our ocean, waves and beaches at our state capitol in the new year.
-Florida conference will be 11/3-4 in Palm Beach this year. Kris, Chris, Christine & Dean will be attending.
- Secretary Report: Fran reported that last month’s minutes are posted under NEWS on the website. She mentioned her appreciation for Nina helping with the Events page for the website.
- Treasurer Report: Chris absent. Kris Baker reports that 50 grabbers for beach cleanups were purchased and also last month chapter meeting appetizers to welcome members. Blue Water Task Force BWTF: Kris commented that a new volunteer, Sydney has started collecting water samples for Goat Creek sites! BWTF report is emailed and posted on the website and social media.
- Volunteer Coordinator: Christine (not able to attend). Kris mentioned she created a new format for the emails to make it easier to respond.
- Social Media Chair – Kelly/Dean. No updates.
- Ocean Friendly Gardens (OFG)– Brevard County was contacted regarding Lagoon seagrass restoration. There will be a section of beach where OFG groups can plant sea oaks in January.
- Ocean Friendly Restaurants (OFR) – Joanie mentioned working with Tiny Turtle on local OFR on what works, educated staff and other solutions.
- Beach Bucket Foundation- Bob Day mentioned buckets were restored on 4th street. Also Coastal Cleanup was a success in collecting debris at 1000 Islands.
Upcoming Events
9/24 World River’s Day, kayaking on Crane Creek River cleanup. Meet at Riggs Outpost at 9:30 a.m. Grabbers and buckets will be provided. Ten people have signed up so far.
10/5 A Day in Life of Indian River Lagoon, ORCA. Go to the ORCA website to volunteer and indicate the location you are helping. ORCA staff need to know whois volunteering.
10/14 Witch Way Run, Volunteer to help 4:00 Nance Park. This run benefits our chapter. If you can volunteer and help at the run, sign up via email, social media or website (events page).
10/18 General Meeting, Tiny Turtle, One Lagoon will be presented.
11/18 Tiny Turtle 10th year anniversary weekend celebration.
10/28 A1A Adopt Hwy Event: 9:30-11:00 clean up, surf fun & games until 1:00 John’s Sebastian Inlet surf shop, Billy Chapman music, food, bring boards and chairs for beach games! Collaboration with Space Coast Board Riders.
Updated/New Business
- October 20-21, Beach Sea bean Symposium at Cocoa Beach Library. More information at SeaBean.com.
- The Executive Chapter Board will be meeting to plan 2024 shortly. In January, elections will be discussed. If you would like to serve on the board, please contact Kris Baker, Chair.
- 12/16 Bonfire Volunteer appreciation party. Mark your calendars!
General Meeting Adjourn—8:02p.m.