June 21, 2023
SRF Meeting Agenda-Tiny Turtle Restaurant
6:30 Call to order – Kris Baker, Chair - Hand out edible straws
Past Events Recap
- 6/3 Beach cleanup at Paradise Beach—Several locals came out to clean up paradise beach. Approximately 70 pounds of trash was collected and recorded. Plastic debris and cigarette butts were the bulk of the trash.
EC/Program/Campaign Reports
Chair Report: Kris Baker: Christine Bamberger volunteered as a new Volunteer Coordinator. Kris is training Chrstine on the Golden and Hubspot software programs for volunteer opportunities and emails. The team welcomed Christine aboard. Kris attended the Indialantic Commissioners’ meeting to support FIT students' presentation for the sustainability committee. Kris expressed the desire to partner with them. Kris also attended the Tobacco Free Brevard quarterly meeting and received a certificate. Our chapter will be partnering with them on future activities. The City of Indialantic has passed no smoking on beaches!
- Secretary Report: Fran (absent-no updates)
- Treasurer Report: Chris (absent- in Alaska!) Noted report of debits included supplies for BWTF, new table covers, reusable straws for fundraising events. Credits from Surfrider Corporation.
- Blue Water Task Force BWTF: Kris summarized BWTF Making Waves Clean Water report. She also mentioned articles regarding local water conditions in Florida Today news and yahoo news. She share flyer about Goat Creek regarding river frontage and needs help handing out the flyer on weekends at that area to inform public about water health.
- Volunteer Coordinator: Christine was welcomed as our Volunteer Coordinator.
- Social Media Chair – Kelly no report (absent)
- Ocean Friendly Gardens– Bill
- Ocean Friendly Restaurants -Anyone interested in being Chair. Joanie Reagan offered to chair this program. Another individual expressed interest and OFR team will soon be underway.
- Beach Bucket Foundation – Andy.
Upcoming Events
6/24 Surfing for Autism at Alan Shepard Park in Cocoa Beach. John expressed a great event and fun to help out the surfers.
7/8 Movies at Playhouse 5-8:30, Dr Diane’s film “Waves of Emotions” will be shown, Aquanuts band playing at the event. There will be Happy Hour with snacks, beer and wine available for purchase. Our chapter is raffling off a custom longboard by Allen White. Only 100 tickets are available.
7/19 General Meeting Niki’s Rainbow Restaurant
7/22 Beach Cleanup Pelican Beach Park
Updated/New Business
- Still working with Kelly from Tiny turtle, to highlight & motivate other restaurants to be OFR
- Partner with Tobacco Free possibly looking into which event we can partner with
- What are you interested in getting involved with?
- Bill Fisk informed us that IRL will be monitoring the water in Titusville.
- Using volunteermatch.org to recruit volunteers was mentioned. We will investigate it.
- OFHotels is a new program from HQ that will have standards like OFR.
- July 5th is the dirtiest day of year, anyone interested in beach cleanup?
General Meeting Adjourn at 8:00 p.m.