May 17, 2023
Location: Niki's Rainbow Restaurant, Satellite Beach
6:30 Call to order – Scott Maki/Vice Chair called the meeting to order. New attendees were introduced.
Past Events Recap
• 4/21 Green Gables OFG planting day: Looking wonderful with several beds in place. Bill’s works
for Novo Nordisk, and his coworkers volunteered and prepped beds and planted. Thank you to Bill
for his hard work on getting native plants, designing the beds and planting!
• 4/22 AIA Adopted Cleanup: There was a low turn out of participation this time. The amount of trash
was also reduced, which is a good sign. This cleanup location will resume in the fall.
• 4/29 Beachfly LegaSea Fest: Fran stated although the weather was stormy, BeachFly Brewing
had the organizations under cover. There was a constant crowd that came to our table for
information, and the F.I.T Surf club was there for support. Our chapter sold some merchandise
including our new restaurant bag kit.
EC/Program/Campaign Reports
• Chair: Scott reviewed the following:
-Zoo Teen Project is a Brevard Zoo project students and volunteers has a grant for a beach bucket
station to be placed at Paradise Beach Park. Kris is working with the County.
-Working with FIT surf club’s new President to start a student chapter for Surfrider.
Secretary/Volunteer Coordinator Report: Fran reported last month’s minutes are posted and other
news on the website.
• Treasurer Report: Chris (Fran to read report) Treasuring credits were from the Beach Cleanup
event with Tracy Team and the BeachFly Legasea Event. Debits were to support the OFG event.
• Blue Water Task Force “BWTF: We are switching 2 locations to get data at Goat Creek. Testing
will occur at the south mouth of the creek where people swim, fish & kitesurf. It was suggested to
notify the City Council on the pollution, Natural Resources, Florida Today to get exposure.
• Social Media Chair – Kelly – no report at this time
• Ocean Friendly Gardens “OFG” – Bill – Green Gables planting and working with other organizations for future OFG events.
• Ocean Friendly Restaurants “OFR” Anyone interested in being Chair?
• Beach Bucket Foundation-Andy Abbott mentioned that the Foundation received an award from
Florida Parks and Rec. He will send the information to post on website. Bob Day mentioned 8
buckets were missing from the Cocoa Beach stations.
Upcoming Events
• 5/27 Beach cleanup at Paradise Beach
• 6/24 Surfing for Autism at Alan Shepard Park in Cocoa Beach. This is the event for International
Surfing Day. It is from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Our chapter tent will be there to help participants,
pass out water, and other duties as needed. Signup via Golden.
• 7/8 Movies at the Playhouse: John presented the Movie—Wave of Emotion by Dr. Diane. It will
play at the Surfside Playhouse on July 8th. Tickets are sold via the playhouse. There will be live
music, snack and beer/wine bar. John will send the flyer via email and other links.
Updated/New Business
• Working with The Tiny Turtle Restaurant to invite other restaurants in the area for a Ocean Friendly
Restaurant Event.
• MidReach Project was presented by Sandra Sullivan. Sandra mentioned that violations of the
permit have damaged the reef and fisheries. The species currently growing on the artificial reef
has changed and is affecting ecosystems. Sandra suggested dune restoration instead of sand
replenishment. Sandra asked if Surfrider could help with this project. John Hearin, who is familiar
with the history, will review the reports and inform the chapter’s board of any recommendations or
General Meeting Adjourn at 7:45 p.m.