Location: The Tiny Turtle Restaurant, Cocoa Beach
6:35 Call to order - Kris Baker/Chair
6:30-6:50 Guest Speaker: Bryan Welling representing UltraFineH20 presented a new process to increase oxygen content of water. The research center is in Ft. Pierce. Bryan described their dock system units that create ultrafine oxygen bubbles with no chemical requirements. These units are used for water areas up to 2-3 acres. Their boat system will be placed in Sarasota Bay in mid-June, and it is used for larger bodies of water up to 3,200 gpm. University of Florida agricultural students have tested the system to produce sea grass. The systems have been successful in treating algae. For more information, contact Bryan at bwelling@ultrafindH2O.com.
7:05 Past Events Recap
- 3/25 Sponsored beach cleanup at Pelican Park. Sponsored by Tracy group Keller Williams. Kris mentioned the company wants to make this an annual event.
- 4/1 Trash Bash N. Thousand islands: Bob Day stated ten volunteers worked about 2.5 hours and collected 90 lbs. of debris.
- 4/3-4 Florida 2023 Healthy Beaches Day in Tallahassee. Kris reported Florida chapter volunteers travelled to the State Capital, Tallahassee to meet with elected officials about the importance of clean water and healthy beaches. The first day included training on citizen advocacy. The second day, there were twenty-two meetings with members from the Florida legislature. Our participants left the event armed with tools to continue to advocate for Florida’s beaches and waves, resulting in strong relationships with elected officials.
- 4/15--Cleanout & organized storage unit. Kris reported many old items were thrown away or donated. It took about 2 hours. Kris thanked those that helped with this effort.
EC/Program/Campaign Reports
- Chair: Kris congratulated our Ocean Friendly Restaurant, The Tiny Turtle who was recognized by Surfrider national “Spotlight.” Click here to read more: https://www.surfrider.org/news/ocean-friendly-restaurants-spotlight-the-tiny-turtle
- Emails and Data recording—Kris stated the number of emails regarding activities will be combined into one. This reduces the number of emails for our followers. Beach cleanups captains record our beach cleanup data. Kris emphasized if you do an individual beach cleanup to inform us for proper data recording. Data is important for legislation.
- Secretary/Volunteer Coordinator Report: Fran stated March minutes are on the website under News. She is working on a blog with several articles regarding clean water and changes in surfing waves. It will post on Thursday under News.
- Treasurer Report: Chris reported deposits from Witch Way Run and the insurance refund from ORB. There were a few administrative expenses.
- Blue Water Task Force “BWTF: Kris demonstrated the Goat Creek panel from the testing unit showing extremely high bacteria level. She stated that Ballard Park results were not high which was surprising.
- Social Media Chair – Kris reported that Kelly received access to post and update our Facebook and Instagram pages.
- Ocean Friendly Gardens “OFG” – Kris reported for Bill reminding of the native planting on Friday, April 21st at Green Gables.
- Ocean Friendly Restaurants “OFR” -Kris mentioned a need for a chair volunteer for this program.
- Beach Bucket Foundation Update – Kris reported for Andy and Roger. There are new sponsors, Bula Kava Bar & Coffee House, Club Zion Community Church, and Elliott Grozan with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate for the new stations. Elliott Grozan (Better Homes and Gardens) has committed to sponsoring buckets for every closing of his, and once all buckets are sponsored, he will continue to donate to our chapter. Recently, Surfrider Georgia chapter wants to offer stations at locations around the Atlantic area. They are waiting to hear back from their municipalities.
Upcoming Events
- 4/21 Green Gables OFG planting day 9:30-12:00. Bring shovels, gloves, and plenty of water.
- 4/22 AIA Adopted Highway/Beach Cleanup 8:30-11:30. Meet at the Sebastian Inlet Surf & Sport shop. Equipment is provided.
- 4/29 BeachFly LegaSea Fest 3:00-8:00. The event is from 3:00-8:00 p.m. Besides our chapter tent, there will be other conservation groups. Bill Brandt will be providing live music. BeachFly will have their brew menu available with a special dish for the day. It is a family event and a great fundraiser for clean water.
Updated/New Business
- Highlight Tiny Turtle Restaurant to motivate other restaurants to be OFR, Maybe June
- OFG location idea—St. Stephen’s Way Home: Fran presented new homes that are being built for the homeless, employed families. Fran stated the lots are new and our Ocean Friendly Garden program volunteers could plant natives while educating the residents and other volunteers. Fran will coordinate with Bill DeLuccia.
- Ditch the straw pledge & challenge! Passed around and get signatures.
General Meeting Adjourn: 8:10 p.m.