Chapter Meeting Minutes
July 17, 2024
Tiny Turtle
6:30 Call to order – Kris Baker, Chair - Welcome!
EC/Program/Campaign Reports
- Chair Report: Kris
- Grants:
- We have been awarded the One Lagoon small grant for Ballard Park! We are now negotiating the City of Melbourn agreement.
- We have signed the grant from FLA Wildflower license plate for $1250 w/matching funds from our chapter. Mark your calendars for November install!
- Lemonjuice Capital Solutions in Orlando, FL reached out to me for
a sponsored beach cleanup w/ donation of $500 Friday 7/19 9-11am - The Space Coast Runners - we were the beneficiary - donated $2,734 to our chapter!!
- Satellite Beach reached out to me. I met with them regarding partnering with them for a buffer garden/living shoreline project at the library. This is preliminary project.
- MRC will be having 24 th IRL assembly next week, which I will be attending and participating as a facilitator. This is a 2-day event at FIT
- We are working on the OFG page on our website, update with our projects and what how important it is for Florida environment
- Tuesday 7/23 at 10:00 Brevard County commissioner’s meeting. Please come out & wear a blue shirt to show IRL support. The 1/2 cent sales tax might not be on the ballot in November for SOIRL. The IRL Coalition is having a zoom meeting tomorrow about this. Send out email with commissioners contact, showing support for the program.
- We encourage everyone to VOTE
- Climate Action Program: Would anyone like to help with this program? It’s about support for climate policies, reduce plastic pollution, fighting for no offshore drilling, helping coastal ecosystems with OFG, restoration for dunes as well as estuary, nature protecting nature, invasive species removal, seagrass restoration, wetland restoration, mangrove restorations. Would work with the team on Board & OFG.
- Beach cleanups - if you are a member and are cleaning beaches on your own, make sure to log your hours + trash here!
- Grants:
- Vice Chair Report: Nina - November event start promoting! Sun, Sand & Surf November 2, Beach clean up, yoga, music, and fun surfing contest. If there are any local businesses that would like to be a sponsor, please contact Nina!
- Secretary Report: Kelly
- Treasurer Report: Chris absent. Kris to report
- Blue Water Task Force BWTF: Kris Ballard & Suntree Park extremely contaminated last week, due to rain runoff. This week, not in the red….no rain.
- Volunteer Coordinator: Deb Richardson - absent
- Social Media Chair – Kelly absent - Make sure to mark as going + share the November event on FB!
- Ocean Friendly Gardens– Bill
- Ocean Friendly Restaurants – Joanie
- Beach Bucket Foundation - no report
Past Events Recap
- June General Meeting was well attended!
- June 15 Long Doggers, Satellite Beach location, International Surfing Day, Virtual surfing contest. We set up a table at the event, and sold a lot of t-shirts/merch!
Upcoming Events
- August 19 General Meeting @ Intracoastal Brewery - 6:30 pm
- November 2: Sun, Sand, Surf Event! 8 am - 12 pm @ Lori Wilson Park. Beach clean up, DJ, yoga, and surf fun! More info to come.
Updated/New Business
- Surfrider Space Coast members surf fun day in September/October! Let's gather for a fun day of surf & socializing with other members & volunteers. More to come!
General Meeting Adjourn