December 21, 2022
Chapter Meeting Minutes
Melbourne Biergarten
6:40 Kris opened the meeting with past events recap.
- New attendees were introduced and welcomed.
- Ocean Reef Beach (ORB) Festival on December 3rd was a success although the overall attendance was low compared to past years. It was mentioned that many events were going on within Brevard that day. Dylan Hansen presented ideas for marketing next year and working with the City of Satellite Beach. Kris emphasized that the executive committee is meeting in January to discuss ORB.
- Grom-Fest Surf Contest at Pelican Park on December 17th was an event for our chapter exposure. Chris Smith organized the chapter tent event.
6:50 EC/Program/Campaign Reports
- Secretary/Volunteer Coordinator Report: Fran Buchness website/hubspot/golden-no updates
- Treasurer Report – Chris Smith reported the increases in budget due to ORB. Insurance rebate will be coming soon since no beer was served at ORB.
- Blue Water Task Force “BWTF” – Kris Baker stressed to look at the Surfrider BWTF report online for repeated red areas.
- Social Media Chair – Kelly Etherton-Kris stated Kelly has volunteered to be our Social Media person and is updating Facebook and Instagram pages.
- Ocean Friendly Gardens “OFG” – Bill DeLuccia reported the Unitarian Church in West Melbourne wants to expand their OFG’s. Crane Creek Golf Course will require weeding and updates soon.
- Ocean Friendly Restaurants “OFR”. A chair is needed for this program. The discussion from the group included ideas on how to reach out to restaurants and its current challenges to meet the criteria.
- Beach Bucket Foundation Update – Roger Ross stated that Cocoa Beach will be expanding additional sites to include residential streets. Keep Brevard Beautiful will help maintain the buckets.
7:05 Upcoming Events
- 1/7 EC will be meeting to plan 2023 & review budget
7:10 Updated/New Business
- Endless Summer Specialty License Plate, Support Florida Beach Preservation. Kris applied for the grant.
- Great news! No smoking on beaches/parks Indian Harbor, Indialantic currently passed. Cocoa Beach was approached and looks to be promising. City of Satellite and Melbourne Beach will be approached next. The goal is to approach all the cities in Brevard. Kris asked for volunteers.
- More great news! Kris received an email from Kelsey Mack, Environmentalist for the City of Cocoa Beach reached out to the chapter regarding Styrofoam and plastic ban. John Hearin has been coordinating with Kelsey.
- 2022 accomplishments:
- BWTF increased sites to 10 with a total of 20 with MRC.
- Grant awarded from Surfrider headquarters for BWTF.
- Grant awarded by the Surfing’s Evolution & Preservation Foundation.
- Beach Bucket added more sites which included Indialantic.
- Monthly and quarterly beach cleanups were performed and recorded.
- Ocean Friendly Gardens expanded to Crane Creek Golf course in Melbourne.
- Breweries events for clean water and fundraisers for BWTF emphasized reducing plastic use.
- Social events were kayaking and picnic dinner to just have fun.
8:10 General Meeting Adjourn