The City of Cocoa Beach and Space Coast Surfrider Chapter met at Alan Shepard Park to restore the dunes and protect the coastline. There were 57 volunteers who did not mind the cool temperatures and wind to learn about dune restoration. Bob Day, Space Coast Surfrider volunteer, gave instruction on how to plant the sea oats using a spade shovel, "goo", a sea oat plant, and sand from the beach. There were 3000 sea oats to plant and rope off for protection. After the planting, volunteers gathered around to enjoy bagels, oranges, coffee, and water provided by the City. It was a very fun morning. We thank all who participated in this event!

Bob Day, Space Coast Surfrider volunteer, instructing how to plant sea oats.
Locals and students get right in there and start planting. There were 96 plants per pallet.
