What a turn-out for the Beach Bucket Cleanup and Celebration event. More than 50 people attended and gathered around the Beach Bucket Foundation's bucket station for the ribbon cutting ceremony. The mayor of the City of Cocoa Beach, Ben Malik emphasized the need for beach cleanups and supports the additional stations added within the Cocoa Beach area, including residential streets. Andy Abbott started the Beach Bucket Foundation in West Palm, Florida, and is collaborating with our chapter to expand bucket stations throughout Brevard County. Our Space Coast Chapter Chair, Kris Baker stated these stations allow visitors and locals to grab a bucket and help clean up our beaches. These cleanups lead to public awareness of the pounds of debris is within our oceans and lands on our beaches. Plastics and cigarette butts are two of the main contributors to this debris. We need to think differently and try to reduce the single use of plastics. We thank all who participated in this event! Major Ben Malik cuts the ribbon for the Beach Bucket station.
Locals and students from Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High and Westshore Jr./Sr. schools gathered around some of the debris collected in less than 2 hours. The trash was weighed and recorded over 40 pounds. That is a lot of cigarette butts, plastic bottles, toys, pieces and straws as well as styrofoam. After the cleanup, we headed over to The Tiny Turtle Restaurant for delicious appetizers and social. Kelly, the owner of The Tiny Turtle supports our chapter every other month allowing us to hold our chapter meetings at her restaurant. Our February meeting will be held there on Wednesday, February 15 at 6:30 p.m. Come out and see what we will be doing next. Kelly is always very generous and welcoming. Her restaurant is one of the first Ocean Friendly Restaurants (OFR) for our chapter. She decided to eliminate single use plastics and plastic straws from her restaurant. We thank you Kelly for your continuous support for our environment. Our local musician from Melbourne Beach, Billy Chapman played his acoustic guitar singing a variety of songs as well as some of his own lyrics. Chapman had the place 'jammin'. Thank you, Billy, for your good vibes and wonderful entertainment.